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Product Benefits

The Agri Data Chain platform links all the role players in the value chain, each with specific benefits. 

Emerging Farmers can access Mentors, Training Providers, Suppliers, Financiers & Insurers, Market Agents (and Agri Hubs), Agri Processors and also Retailers..  

Mentors, Trainers and Suppliers can proactively market their services and products to Emerging and Commercial Farmers and/or Agri Hubs. Digital Marketing and Training material can be provided on the platform. Visibility of clients can lead to optimized logistics and bulk distribution and more competitive pricing.


Clearer Product View

Market Agents, Agri Hubs and Agri Processors will have a much clearer view of product availability, quantities and quality to enhance their planning and doing business with especially Emerging Farmers.

Enterprise Development Targets 

Retailers will be in a much better situation to comply with their Enterprise Development targets as they will have a holistic view of the entire value chain that potential producers are involved in, thereby expanding potential to support more Emerging Farmers.

Other Research Applications 

Other related parties such as Universities, Research institutions and Government organizations will have access to a much larger data base of Emerging and Commercial Farmers and their related activities.